Sprintticup Sibeliuksen puisto (08/03/2018)
Kategoria: Harjoitukset
Järjestäjä: HS
Maa: Finland
Decent run. There was plenty of snow (and -5 degrees). Evening so it was dark, street lights helped though. The snow impacted route choices a lot, I took more tracks in the park than I would have in the summer. The vicinity of 10th control was confusing because the tracks/pavements weren't visible in any way (elsewhere most tracks were plowed). I had no good enough plan there and made a 15sec mistake, found the control by "brute force" (just run around). My second mistake was when leaving number 16: I hesitated when I realised the route to 17 I ended up taking was marginally shorter, while I already had ran to the opposite direction. Change of plans and instead of winning 2 sec I ended up losing maybe 7...
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Sprintticup Sibeliuksen puisto (08/03/2018) Sprintticup Sibeliuksen puisto (08/03/2018)