Iltarastit 6km (16/04/2018)
Kategoria: Harjoitukset
Kartta: Halkolampi
Järjestäjä: HS
Maa: Finland
Second forest-O in Finland this season. Super strange after focusing on sprint mapping and setting for last 3-4 months. Ran carefully, trying not to stress left achilles too much. It should be okay for FinnSpring. Looking at my splits for this one I could see that even though running slow-ish, I was more fluent that the rest so got some good splits on more technical legs eg. 4 and 7. My only mistakes were on 5th leg (almost drifted too far to the left, no big deal maybe +15sec), 9th (asI reached the top my bearing was off, maybe +15sec) and 11th (straight back to road, got stuck in fallen trees, maybe +20sec).
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Iltarastit 6km (16/04/2018) Iltarastit 6km (16/04/2018)