Iltarastit 7km (30/04/2018)
Kategoria: Harjoitukset
Kartta: Pirttimäki-Nuuksio
Järjestäjä: HS
Maa: Finland
Solid run. No mistakes inside control circles. Some poor executions, most notably the leftie drift early on 1st leg, poor judgement with the thicket on 3rd leg, and a sharp angle on 6th leg. On 4th leg I was surprised there was a section on the watercourse I couldn't cross, and it was behind a bush, so Iost 30sec crossing it... Destroyed everyone on 7th leg, got a 37sec win margin there. beat my mate Mikko by 6min on the course yay!
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Iltarastit 7km (30/04/2018) Iltarastit 7km (30/04/2018)