Suomi 100 -suunnistus (HS) (12/11/2017)
Kategoria: Harjoitukset
Kartta: Pirttimäki
Järjestäjä: HS
Maa: Finland
My course. My design. I'm quite proud of myself. I had this idea a couple weeks ago and our coach thought this is a good idea, so I went ahead. We gathered some 75 clubmates on a Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.

I would have liked to run the whole course but got to get home early for Father's day celebrations. Artur and Ville, whom I ran with, did the whole thing (18,3km by purple line). My course by purple was around 12,5km.
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Suomi 100 -suunnistus (HS) (12/11/2017) Suomi 100 -suunnistus (HS) (12/11/2017)